
quinta-feira, 16 de julho de 2015

Mythology x Reality: Kung Fu Origin and Practiced Training.

Mythology x Reality: Kung Fu Origin and Practiced Training
All the facts have at least two sides, diverging views among those involved.
But that's different from when the reality is distorted or fantasized, of pride and covert manner.

It is now so common we presenciarmos people who create stories or reverse the facts in their favor, to obtain advantages or image creating, involving third parties, more often still it is done with secular stories such as the Shaolin temple.
Some believe are real and some say that these are the stories of mythology, created by the government to convince the population and encourage tourism. They say there is no evidence of the existence of temples and spoken monks, who only came into being in movies and was created to entertain and interpreted by actors.
Some point for doubt and, in other cases, they speak in order to discredit the reality and the martial art depreciate.
Regarding the origin of Kung Fu, there are several stories, one of which linked to Buddhism. According to legend, an Indian Buddhist monk known as Bodhidharma (Daruma Taishi or Tamo in Chinese), have traveled to China in order to spread Buddhism.
When you find a cave, the monk Bodhidharma settled in the place and, facing a stone, went into deep meditation for about nine years. Some say bird nests formed in Monk shoulders, and the shadow of it came to be set in stone wall. Other narrate that the monk had cut her eyelids, in order to avoid deep sleep.
It is that after this period of meditation, to join the Shaolin Temple monks realized that they had no good physical condition, as they spent much of the time and, especially energy, transcribing manuscripts, making it difficult meditative practices.
After such review carried out by the Indian monk, it went on to teach the monks of the temple movement exercises, associated with animal movements and breathing exercises, so that combined assisted in increasing the flow Ch'i and strength, time that appeared Kung Fu, subsequently fortified movements, to become the art currently know and admire.
As mentioned, this is one of many stories that date back the origin of Kung Fu, without an unequivocal certainty, considering that great part documentary was burned along with the temple or later for political reasons, losing valuable narratives about the history and evolution of each style, with its forms, as well as training facilities.
Still, there were survivors, disciples who have become masters of their lives and made the perpetration of art they lived and felt, passing it from generation to generation.
It is clear that the truth of the origin of Kung Fu and the creation of the styles are shrouded in mythological stories, philosophical and, why not say romantic, being questionable and controversial real foundation.
However, the same can not be said about the training practiced in the art, even unbelievable, as the case of "finger Kati" in which Monk Hai Tank (only one capable of this practice), as can be seen in the video: https : // v = Wu71lUC0woE?.
Incidentally, documentaries, training portray and used today by many discredited, leading to extreme but strengthen the practitioner, who takes on technique, making them distinct movements.
Now say that only monks are like movie characters, would claim that the martial arts were created to entertain and not as an initial form of hunting, fighting to win the war or even to better conditioning in monasteries, when they were meditating.
Without any doubt respect contrary opinions, as long as justified and not simply informed in the jargon "to be believed," after all not all stories are based on facts described, reported and authenticated registry as proof of the truth. In other words, it's not because I was not in the discovery of Brazil, which it did not.
Thus, in our view, it is clear that not only mythological stories.
But it is interesting that it is easy to doubt these facts, pointing as false, even more because this question comes from people who believe they are impossible or unlikely to reach the level of training as spoken.
Usually these are people who will do the usual and more quiet, justifying what else is myth, if excusing the essence of martial arts and often descaracterizando, by also devalue their own potential.
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Pou San Chuan
Academy of Arts Maricias
Sao Jose do Rio Preto
São Paulo Brazil

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