What will be the Kung Fu without tradition?
With all the progress, technology updates, get used to everything and discard the tradition devalue.
I have nothing against the new, but I wonder what would be the Martial Arts without the Millennial culture without the Masters perpetrate the tradition. In fact, lately I wonder "what for generations to come this art mean?"
Times change and it is likely that nowadays hardly anyone kneel in front of a temple to be accepted by the Master and train. At most it would for "selfie" share, to appear and "social network pumping". And likewise, these people will get all shortcuts and facilities in their lives.
The issue is not the "Brazilian way" we are used to all apply. It turns out that facility does not match the Kung Fu, not the real Kung Fu.
One day, I heard my Master who could get to my goal, but it would be hard, laborious and, why not say painful? That all people have full capacity, but not all would support through this long, unique and painful way.
I discovered then, every workout, the value of "tradition". Originating from the Latin word, whose meaning "pass on" to be ruled out, carries with it the true essence of martial art, as well as the weight of thousands of years of history and effort.
History and effort that often, some students are not desired or may not be understood, which is why gradually cease to be passed, losing and becoming daydreams, just as slowly has faded the value of warriors, and in some gyms "Kwan Kun" is no longer used or mentioned more or even seen.
And then, when the meaning vanish when the "tradition" no longer be used, giving way to easier exercise, Kung Fu may come to be only a sport or a beautiful way to lose weight without energy, without the weight fatigue and pain, without the power of persistence of each disciple and the value and patience of each Master, who every day believe in evolution, the ability and the transformation of those who followed him and that, more teachings asked.
General Zhang said that "when a generation is loose, the second will deliver the immoral whims."
So how difficult it has been to apply the traditional Kung Fu, however hard it's been eye-catching and maintain the incentive of the disciples, this time the "status" and the appearance have greater importance than the truth, in the hands of each Master is the responsibility of the future of Martial Arts, in allowing it to be dissolved or further fortified and the rooted traditions.
* Pou San Chuan
Martial Arts Academy
São José do Rio Preto - SP
* Qual será o kung fu sem tradição?
Com todo o progresso, a tecnologia atualizações, se acostumar com tudo e descartam a tradição desvalorizar.
Não tenho nada contra a nova, mas gostaria de saber quais seriam as artes marciais sem a cultura milenar sem os mestres cometer a tradição. Na verdade, ultimamente não sei q para as gerações vindouras esta arte significa?"
Times change and it is likely that nowadays hardly anyone kneel in front of a temple to be accepted by the Master and train. At most it would for "selfie" share, to appear and "social network pumping". And likewise, these people will get all shortcuts and facilities in their lives.
A questão não é a maneira brasileira q ja estamos acostumados a todos aplicar. Acontece que facilidade não corresponde ao Kung Fu, não o verdadeiro Kung Fu.
Um dia, ouvi meu mestre que pode chegar ao meu objetivo, mas seria difícil, penosa e dolorosa, por que não dizer? Que todas as pessoas têm plena capacidade, mas nem todos apoiaria através desta longa e dolorosa, única maneira.
Descobri então, cada treino, o valor da tradição ai ". Proveniente da palavra latina, cujo significado " transmitir pra ser excluído, carrega consigo a verdadeira essência da arte marcial, bem como o peso de milhares de anos de história e esforço.
História e esforço que muitas vezes, alguns alunos não são desejados ou não pode ser entendida, por isso, deixem de ser aprovada, perder e ficar devaneios, tão devagar tem caído o valor dos guerreiros, e em alguns gyms "~ Kwan Kun "~ é Deixou de ser usado ou evocadas mais ou mesmo viu.
And then, when the meaning vanish when the "tradition" no longer be used, giving way to easier exercise, Kung Fu may come to be only a sport or a beautiful way to lose weight without energy, without the weight fatigue and pain, without the power of persistence of each disciple and the value and patience of each Master, who every day believe in evolution, the ability and the transformation of those who followed him and that, more teachings asked.
Geral Zhang disse que qnd uma geração está solto, o segundo vai entregar o imoral vaivéns."
So how difficult it has been to apply the traditional Kung Fu, however hard it's been eye-catching and maintain the incentive of the disciples, this time the "status" and the appearance have greater importance than the truth, in the hands of each Master is the responsibility of the future of Martial Arts, in allowing it to be dissolved or further fortified and the rooted traditions.
* Pou San Chuan
Academia de artes marciais
São José do Rio Preto - SP
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